Over 25 years of Service
Conflict finds resolution with trusted practices
Terri’s experiences: For over 25 years, Terri has provided facilitation in Iredell County for many varied entities, including Iredell-Statesville Schools (Focus Groups, Task Force Leadership, Exceptional Children Parents Forum), United Way of Iredell (Citizens Panel), Statesville Human Relations Commission (Strategic Planning), Drug and Alcohol Coalition, and assisted the Institute of Government in Chapel Hill.
When is Facilitation Useful?
Facilitation of a group may benefit in strategic planning, new product/service brainstorming sessions, management issues, board retreats, annual departmental strategies to meet goals, task-force development, focus groups, leadership changes, and a myriad of problem-solving efforts.
What might a “desired outcome” look like?
A desired outcome may include a clear and concise statement of the results or products that the group develops, an awareness of each group member’s perspective, a shared understanding of the current situation, options for resolving a problem, and an implementation plan.
What does a Facilitator do?
S/he guides the participants on a path where they can explore their problem, issue or opportunity in a structured but comfortable environment while assisting them in arriving at solutions or action steps that they take ownership of. A facilitator is not about being the one with all the answers. It is defined as “to assist the progress of” or “helping to make something happen.”
What is the difference between a Mediator and a Facilitator?
While a mediator manages the process, a facilitator is an advocate for the process; both remain impartial to the content. Facilitators utilize various processes for gathering and coordinating information needed by the group. Not every facilitation is a dispute or is conflictual, as in a mediation.
How much time does a Facilitation take?
This decision requires an up-front discussion prior to the development of the facilitated event, and is dependent upon the amount of processing required of the group. Generally, most facilitations are more than 4 hours and up to 3 days.